A great man once said, "I want to party all the time." Riders of the 5010 and Furtado want to have fun. Sure, you're not above racing your buddies to the car when the last one there buys the first round, but you're less interested in straight-lining a section of trail to find .003s like an enduro racer; you live your life in peripheral vision. Constantly scanning the trail for sneaky lines and could-be jumps.
Maybe there was a time when you dreamed of the rush of whistler's famed A-line and 60ft gaps, but you prefer the moments when popping off a root and transitioning to the other side of the trail set you up for a line that nobody else saw and want to prioritize the nimble handling characteristics that make slow trails feel fun, rather than fast trails feel like the Malinium falcon jumping to hyperspace.
Other Options:
- Short travel, but make it swiss? Bold Linkin 135
- Better pedaling? Santa Cruz Blur TR
- More Travel? Santa Cruz Hightower