Bicycle Trade-In Program

Buying your next bike just got easier! We've partnered with Bicycle Blue Book to help you trade in your old bike and get the best offer possible so you can upgrade your ride.

Drop by your nearest Mike's Bikes location for an evaluation, or utilize the estimate tool below and instantly receive in-store credit upon completing your trade-in. Say goodbye to the days of dealing with the hassles of listing your bike online. It's the quickest and most convenient way to upgrade your ride.

How It Works:

1. Get a quote

Find your bike’s details with just a few clicks and get a quote instantly. Estimates based on “stock” bicycle options.

2. Find your store

Bring your bike to your local Mike’s Bikes for an in-store evaluation. Actual trade-in value is determined upon inspection.

3. Get payment

You'll receive store credit instantly upon making the trade. A valid state-issued ID or US passport is required to finalize.

4. Find your new ride

Find the perfect bike that suits your needs and apply your store credit immediately.

*Bicycle Blue Book is no longer accepting kids' bikes (12", 14", 16", 20", or 24") or bikes valued under $500 through our trade-in program. We apologize for the inconvenience.